Notion is intimidating. Users share videos on TikTok that feature gorgeous, intricate workspaces organizing their entire lives. The videos contain everything from color-coded study notes to movie watchlists with animated GIFs. How do people condense their goals, tasks and dreams into one note-taking app? And how do they make it look so damn good?
David Tibbitts, product marketing manager and one of Notion’s earliest employees, calls this feeling “blank canvas syndrome.” “Especially when you’re creating a brand new Notion account, you might have this feeling of, there’s so many things I can do, where do I even start?” he said. Tibbitts gets it — he’s never been a “productivity-hacker-type-person,” he says. But he joined Notion’s support team when it was a 10-person company. After hundreds of customer calls, he can talk Notion to you in his sleep.
“To this day, I absolutely love blowing people’s minds with what’s possible with Notion,” Tibbitts said. In turn, Notion’s expansive influencer community blows him away with the innovations and tips they share on social media.
Tibbitts sat down with Protocol to share some of his favorite Notion hacks and underrated uses.